Industrial piping, boiler metal and Painting : Brest and Saint-Nazaire in France

Legal notice

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Website's publishing : Sofreba Group
6 Rue de l’aviation

Phone. : 02 40 90 22 22
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Corporate name : SOFREBA GROUP

Social Capital : 

N° SIRET : 529 206 849 00018

RCS : SAINT NAZAIRE B 529 206 849

Publishing direction : Mr Florian Thuaud



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The collection, the recording and the conversation automated of personal information are carried out on this site in accordance with the law Informatique and Freedoms n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to the protection of the physical people with regard to the processings of data in personal matter modified by the law n°2004-801 of August6, 2004.


The right of access following and of correction envisaged in article 34 and of the above mentioned law is exerted by mail with the address: SOFREBA GROUP - 6 Rue de l’aviation 44600 ST NAZAIRE - FRANCE


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6 rue de l'Aviation

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Industrial piping specialist since 30 years old